Leading Lady Self-love Academy

Improved self-love creates a ripple effect transforming all aspects of your life.

Leading Lady the self-love academy logo

Would you Love to:

  • Love and appreciate yourself exactly as you are?

  • Know more about self-love, what it really means and how to achieve it?

  • Learn techniques that you can use throughout your whole life?

  • Be able to relax, guilt free and enjoy developing yourself?

  • Stop people pleasing and prioritise your needs?

  • Receive support from a likeminded community as you go through your self-love journey?

  • Receive accountability and guidance from people who totally get where you are?

What does the Leading Lady Self-love Academy Include?

The Leading Lady Self-love Academy includes:

  • Video recorded modules with downloadable workbooks, journal prompts, affirmations and guided meditations that you can work through at your own pace.

  • 4 amazing modules that guide you from getting clarity on what your current level of self-love is, understanding and overcoming barriers to self-love, practical self-love tools including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/ Tapping), hypnosis, journalling, forgiveness and more, to finally helping you create a personalised inspired action plan to help you continue to develop your self-love moving forwards.

  • A personalised Chakra balancing report to aid with unblocking your chakra's.

  • A self-paced programme that you can complete at your own speed.

  • A private Facebook community group where you can support each other throughout your improving self-love journeys and ask me any questions about the materials.

  • All this for just £333

  • Payment plans are available - contact Claudia via email to arrange: hello@claudiasabinawellness.com

Upgrade to Fast Track Leading Lady to get all of this PLUS:

  • Want results before the end of 2023? Upgrade to the Fast Track option which includes all of the above AND

  • Four online individual coaching sessions with Claudia (1 hour each) to explore your limiting beliefs deeper and transform them into empowering beliefs to supercharge your transformation.

  • Total price for Leading Lady and Fast Track Upgrade is £777

  • Payment plans are available - contact Claudia via email to arrange: hello@claudiasabinawellness.com

Terms of Purchase

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What is the difference between the Leading Lady Self-love Academy and the Fast Track option?

With the Fast Track option you receive an additional four 1 hour individual coaching sessions. These are all online via zoom and can be used to complement any section of the course that you would like extra support with.

Examples include:

  • Claudia can help you get really clear on what limiting beliefs are holding you back and guide you through the process of transforming these limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs.

  • Claudia can help you with a personalised plan to overcoming any fear of success you may have.

  • Claudia can guide you through a forgiveness coaching session to maximise the impact of the forgiveness rituals in the academy.

  • Claudia can assist you in making your inspired action plans, incorporating Law of Attraction principles into your life.

  • These are just examples but there are many ways that individual sessions can be used.

You can purchase additional individual (1:1) coaching sessions alongside the Leading Lady Self-love Academy, however, when purchasing through the Leading Lady Fast Track option you are not only saving money but also will receive an amazing 5 days voice-note follow up to discuss any questions and aha's arising from the session.

Can I talk to you about it before purchasing?

Of course! I offer a complimentary discovery call where you can learn more and ask any questions you may have. Book my complimentary call now

Alternatively you can send me a message

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Client Feedback

If you are like me, you always want to see/ hear what others have to think about a programme before joining. Here are some comments on the Leading Lady Self-love Academy and some comments on individual coaching sessions if you are interested in the VIP option.

"The Leading Lady Self-love Academy has really helped me following a break-up. Claudia helped me realise to focus on myself and not to rush it. I've learnt why self-love is so important not only after a break-up but in my career as an actress too. I've learnt where my fear comes from and how I can navigate it moving forward and also to forgive myself. Really grateful for her help, advice and kindness, she's amazing!!! Thank you xxxx"

Amy, UK

"The programme took me from standing in the chorus line to being the Leading Lady of my life. I don't feel guilt for having time for myself anymore, I don't feel anxious on how the right decision for myself might affect others and therefore change my choices to suit them. I had just accepted that my journey was being led by others and I didn't have my own path. But I've realised that now this IS my own path, I am making the decisions and I am a badass woman who's just occasionally very lazy and that's okay."

Emily, UK

"I had such a beautiful session with Claudia. She held such a lovely space for me to explore some thoughts that I've been having. She really helped me to shift my mindset in a direction that better supports me and where I'm at right now. Don't hesitate to have a session with Claudia, she is an incredible Coach!!!"

Katie Marriot, UK

"Claudia has such a warm, loving, supportive energy - I instantly felt safe to open up to her and tell her everything on my mind. She beautifully balanced giving me space to work things out myself with challenging me and offering me new ways of thinking and ideas. I came out of the session trusting myself and the process."

Paige Finstad, Australia

"After our session, I realized I really need to work one day at a time, which will allow me to focus more, and don't think so much into the future, where the overwhelm sets in. I've learned to allow myself a bit of grace in the moment."

Sara, USA

"I started the session believing I had already identified my core limiting belief that I wanted to work on, but Claudia with her gentle but probing questions helped me realise that actually there was another area that was more pressing. This was a total surprise to me, but felt absolutely right and I'm so glad Claudia suggested it, as it was honestly not something I had on my radar for that session! Claudia has a warm approach and a wonderful sense of humour that just sets you at ease instantly. I felt very comfortable talking about past experiences that I haven't really shared with anyone other than close family and friends. I really hope to be working with her again in the near future and would highly recommend her to anyone considering working with a life coach."

Joanna, UK

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About Claudia

I am a certified self-love coach, certified life coach and fear of success instructor. I have also been registered nurse for the last 17 years.​

I suffered with low levels of self-love most of my childhood and early adult life. I gave to others to the point of making myself ill with exhaustion. I had these thought patterns that the best daughter, girlfriend, wife, mother, friend, employee sacrificed their own needs to make sure that the other people in their life were happy and cared for. This was not helped by being in an abusive relationship for almost a decade before deciding enough was enough and I didn't want my baby boy to grow up seeing me treated like that.

I had no idea who I was anymore and so I began my self development journey. ​What I learnt is that we only have so much to give, especially if we are not topping up our own reserves. I have spent the last four years focusing on developing myself and improving my self-love so that I can care for myself first to make sure that I am the best mother, daughter, partner, friend that I can be WITHOUT me suffering.​

I started Claudia Sabina Wellness to make sure that no other woman feels alone and unsupported. ​ I look forward to welcoming you into this safe, welcoming and nurturing community.

Love Claudia x

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Rise up from the chorus line and become the leading lady of your life

©2023 by Claudia Sabina Wellness Limited,

All rights reserved.