Leading Lady

Self-love Academy

Where you are invited to rediscover your true self and step into the role of the Leading Lady of your life

It’s so easy to get lost, caught up in the chaos of everyday life and societal expectations, and suddenly you realise you have no idea who you truly are, and that you are standing on the side-lines/ in the chorus line of your life rather than being the Leading Lady* of your life.  

The Leading Lady Self-love Academy encourages you to explore WHO you actually are, WHAT you really want, WHAT makes you awesome, helping you release yourself from the relentless societal pressure and learn to truly love yourself, exactly as you are, PERFECTLY IMPERFECT and live life unapologetically on your terms!  

Join me, Claudia, as we embark on this transformative journey together, where your identity and aspirations take centre stage.

*This course is relevant regardless of your gender identity, sexuality or parental status.

Before I tell you more about the Leading Lady Self-love Academy, let's make sure it's right for you.

You would benefit from the Leading Lady Self-love Academy if you’re ready to discover your true self, cultivate self-worth, and embrace self-love authentically—free from the influence of others' opinions.

Imagine reclaiming your time and energy, no longer bound by people-pleasing or guilt, but living unapologetically as YOU.  

This academy is for those committed to personal growth and ready to implement practical tools to take charge of their lives, shine brightly, and share their uniqueness with the world.  

If you are resonating with any of these:

  • Feeling lost and disconnected from your true identity, feeling like you don’t fit in and uncomfortable in your own skin

  • Struggling with feelings of unworthiness and being an imposter in your career, in relationships, career, or even feeling unworthy of investing time on self-care

  • Valuing other people’s opinions and acceptance of you above your own feelings about yourself

  • Exhausted and burnt out because you are constantly people pleasing at the detriment of your own needs

  • Navigating huge life changes such as chronic health conditions, pregnancy or motherhood whilst wondering where your identity went

  • Worried about your return to work after maternity leave and how you will balance the demands of work and most of all the guilt

  • Wanting to make a change to maximise your wellbeing and actually LIVE your life in the way you choose, both for yourself and also to break those pesky generational cycles so that you are setting a powerful example for your children

Then you are in the right place!

The Leading Lady Self-love Academy will guide you from self-doubt, people pleasing and guilt to embracing and truly loving your authentic self, setting healthy boundaries, and ultimately assisting you in stepping out of the chorus line and into your role as the Leading Lady of your life.


What will you gain from the Leading Lady Self-love Academy?

By the end of the Leading Lady Self-Love Academy you will have:


Clarity on your current self-perception and it's impact on your life


Understanding of common barriers that hinder you from truly understanding and loving your perfectly imperfect self


Explored a toolkit of practical self-love techniques to sustain lifelong personal growth, including overcoming people-pleasing and guilt


Identified the next steps you need to take in order to become the Leading Lady of your life


Increased confidence to authentically express yourself unapologetically


Gained the knowledge you need to break generational cycles of low self-love, people pleasing and instead embracing your uniqueness and loving your perfectly imperfect self

Picture of Claudia Sabina smiling at the camera
Picture of Claudia scrolling on her mobile looking at client feedback

If you're like me, you always want to hear what others think about a course before joining. Here are some testimonials about the Leading Lady Self-love Academy:


Self-forgiveness 💖

"The Leading Lady Self-love Academy has really helped me following a break-up. Claudia helped me realise to focus on myself and not to rush it.

I've learnt why self-love is so important not only after a break-up but in my career as an actress too. I've learnt where my fear comes from and how I can navigate it moving forward and also to forgive myself.

Really grateful for her help, advice and kindness, she's amazing!!! Thank you xxxx"

Amy, UK


A Badass Woman 😍

"The programme took me from standing in the chorus line to being the Leading Lady of my life.

I don't feel guilt for having time for myself anymore, I don't feel anxious on how the right decision for myself might affect others and therefore change my choices to suit them.

I had just accepted that my journey was being led by others and I didn't have my own path.

But I've realised that now this IS my own path, I am making the decisions and I am a badass woman who's just occasionally very lazy and that's okay."

Emily, UK

For more reviews about Claudia's coaching in general click below:

Enrol in the Leading Lady Self-love Academy Today!  

Independent Study

3 x monthly payments of £111


A one time payment of £333

Only TEN available

Fast Track Results with Claudia

3 x monthly payments of £259


A one time payment of £777

Includes 4 x 1:1 online coaching calls to fast track your results

What's inside the Leading Lady Self-love Academy?

Module One: Diving Deep into Self-Love

Here's where my inner scientist shines—we'll start with a baseline assessment to track your progress throughout the course. This module aims to provide crystal-clear insights into your current level of self-love.

Module One Highlights:

  • Understanding the importance of self-love

  • Identifying signs of low self-love and its impact on various aspects of your life

  • Defining high self-love and its positive ripple effects on your life     

  • Conducting a baseline assessment to gauge your current level of self-love and its effects on different areas of your life

Module Two: Overcoming Barriers to Self-Love

Before you can transform, you must understand what's holding you back. This module reveals common barriers to self-love and offers actionable steps to overcome them swiftly.  

Module One Highlights:

  • Exploring limiting beliefs and their role in hindering self-love     

  • Reflecting on the origins of these beliefs to prepare for transformation in Module 3     

  • Learning effective strategies for establishing healthy boundaries whilst avoiding conflict        

  • Discovering how to prioritise self-care without guilt    

  • Bonus training on the 5 Types of Fear of Success and their impact on self-love

Module Three: Self-Love Tools

This is my absolute favourite section, a virtual healing toolbox for you, filled with my tried and tested favourite self-love boosting tools. The best thing is that you can use these tools over and over again in so many situations in life.

Module Three Highlights:

  • Self-love hypnosis to boost your self-love    

  • Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) with a focus on enhancing self-love      

  • Personalised chakra assessment and report with actionable strategies for rebalancing your chakras        

  • Exploring 8 dimensions of self-care       

  • Journalling techniques for nurturing self-love      

  • Using Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) to transform limiting beliefs

  • Rituals for forgiveness

Module Four: Achieving Success

Now you are armed with knowledge and tools from my personal healing journey, it's time to craft a comprehensive plan for lasting change.

Module Four Highlights:

  • Strategies for achieving success

  • Taking inspired action toward your goals

  • Visualizing your path to success

  • Crafting personalised affirmations

  • Engaging in future self-visualisation exercises

  • Developing a realistic daily routine

Module Five: Accountability & Community

This module differs depending on the option that you select when purchasing. For those opting for the independent study, accountability and community support is in our community group. If you have opted for the Fast Track option, you will have additional accountability and bespoke support from Claudia during your one to one coaching sessions.

Module Five Highlights:

  • The confidence you need to show up as your unapologetic true self

  • The knowledge to break generational cycles of low self-love/ worthiness

  • Inspiring others to accept themselves exactly as they are, perfectly imperfect

  • Support from people going through the same journey as you

  • Regular check in's to keep you accountable

  • Trouble-shooting advice from your peers

  • Bespoke 1:1 coaching with the Fast Track option to help keep you focused and on track to achieving your goals

Plus these fantastic bonuses:

Overcoming People Pleasing Masterclass

At the end of this masterclass you will:

  • Know why you are prone to people pleasing

  • Learn how to tell when people pleasing is becoming harmful to you

  • Have clear actionable strategies to help stop people pleasing controlling your life

Overcoming Mum Guilt Masterclass

At the end of this masterclass you will:

  • Know why you are experiencing mum guilt

  • Have clear actionable strategies to reduce mum guilt and

  • Be able to spend more quality time with or without your family without worrying or feeling guilty

Preventing Burnout Masterclass

At the end of this masterclass you will:

  • Know how to identify signs of burnout

  • Know what the potential causes of burnout are

  • Have assessed your current risk of burnout

  • Have clear actions to take both in your work and home life in order to prevent burnout or heal from burnout

Introduction to Cyclical Living Masterclass

At the end of this masterclass you will:

  • Know how to identify different stages of your menstrual cycle

  • Know what the corresponding stages of the lunar and seasonal cycles are if you do not have a menstrual cycle

  • Know what to do (& more importantly what not to do) in each phase of your cycle

  • Find out your cyclical superpowers

Gratitude Jar Printable

There are so many benefits of having a gratitude practice on both your physical and mental health. I designed this printable for myself as I wanted to create a jar with all the things I'm grateful for inside.

I started gifting them to friends and family and got great feedback so I am gifting them to you as part of the Leading Lady bonuses.

Time to recap: Purchase access to the Leading Lady Self-Love Academy today and you get:

Access to:

  • Five comprehensive modules guiding you through the journey to enhance self-love and step confidently into the Leading Lady role of your life

  • Practical tools for lifelong personal growth

  • Personalized chakra balancing report

  • A robust action plan to bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be

  • Enhanced knowledge and confidence to authentically embrace your imperfectly perfect self and

  • A supportive community to keep you accountable

That's over £2000 in value.


For those of you opting for the Fast track option you also get:

  • Four x 1 hour online individual coaching calls with Claudia

  • Post coaching email support (responses within 24 hours except weekends)

  • Choose any self-love area to cover in your session, or support with action planning and accountability, this time is yours

That's over £1000 in value.


For everyone purchasing the Leading Lady Self-love Academy, the following bonuses will also be included:

  • Overcoming People Pleasing Masterclass

  • Overcoming Mum Guilt Masterclass

  • Preventing Burnout Masterclass

  • Cyclical Living Masterclass

  • Gratitude Jar Printable

PLUS for everyone who pays in full for either option you will receive an additional bonus!

Independent Study

3 x monthly payments of £111


A one time payment of £333

Only TEN available

Fast Track Results with Claudia

3 x monthly payments of £259


A one time payment of £777

Includes 4 x 1:1 online coaching calls to fast track your results


14 day money-back guarantee

Enjoy a risk-free trial with our 14-day money-back guarantee.

Simply show us you’ve made an effort, and we’ll refund your investment.

See course terms for further details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course time-consuming? I'm worried I won't have enough time...

  • The course is designed with your busy schedule in mind, offering manageable modules for gradual progress.

  • You have lifetime access so you can take your time working through the modules at your own pace. It is not a race.

  • The modules are made up of video training sessions, you do not have to watch them all the way through in one go (most are quite short), but if you do need to stop part way through you can just pick up where you left off.

Is this course worth the investment?

  • Investing in yourself and your self-love journey yields lifelong benefits, enhancing every aspect of your life.

  • It is not for you if you do not plan on doing the work, each module has an accompanying work book with tasks to complete in order to enhance your learning and progress towards becoming the Leading Lady of your life.

  • It is not for you if you do not want to make changes in your life.

I lack confidence in making changes. Will this course help?

  • Absolutely. The course provides practical tools and support to empower you in embracing change confidently.

  • You can choose to upgrade to the Fast Track option to receive 4 one to one coaching sessions with Claudia to really help boost your confidence and keep you accountable to making changes.

How is the course content delivered?

  • Content is drip-fed to ensure you absorb each module fully before moving on, maximizing your learning experience.

  • The modules are mixtures of video training sessions, PDF workbooks, audio meditations/ visualisations/ hypnosis. Transcripts of all video training sessions are available.

What should I do if I have further questions?

If you think, this sounds amazing but I'm still not 100% sure, keep reading:

You should give the Leading Lady Self-love Academy a 14 day risk free try if you are wanting to:

Truly know and embrace who you are outside of "just" being a parent, caregiver, employee, child, sibling, spouse

Overcome people pleasing, fear of success, imposter syndrome and all of the things holding you back from going after your dreams

Consciously create a better future for yourself and your loved ones

Introducing your coach:

Claudia Sabina

I was heavily pregnant, in an abusive marriage with my self-worth at rock bottom unable to see a way out.

I summoned the courage to seek help, got divorced and began my healing journey as a single mum with my 3 month old baby boy.

I worked with a coach, learning to prioritise my self-love, my confidence built and I was inspired to train to become a certified coach.

Now I help mums to rediscover themselves and thrive through coaching.

I have consciously created a new life for myself and my son, and we now live together with my wonderful, supportive partner, Ed and our daughter.

It was far from simple, but I know that the pain and suffering I went through wasn't in vain. I am so passionate about supporting others so that they don't have to go through it all feeling so lost and alone.

Whether you work with me one to one or through the Leading Lady Self-love Academy, my aim is for you to gain a deeper love and understanding for yourself and to celebrate all of the wonderful things about yourself (yes... I know it can be hard to acknowledge our strengths, but it becomes easier with practice I promise!).

I am so excited for you to shed a life time of un-helpful beliefs, self-doubt, societal pressure, guilt, imposter syndrome and instead replace them with the TRUE YOU.

Living authentically, secure in who she is, not needing validation from others, breaking generational cycles and actually ENJOYING your life!

Come and join me in the Leading Lady Self-love Academy today:

©2024 by Claudia Sabina Wellness Limited,

All rights reserved.

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